Miquel Duran

University professor. Research in Quantum Chemistry. Digital Science Communication, Magic and Science, MOOCs, TEDx events, Open Knowledge. Assessing Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education and Chemistry. Understanding Quantum Computation in Quantum Chemistry

University of Girona

Social Networking: Twitter (account in English), Facebook, Instagram

My interests are...

Quantum Chemistry


Computational Chemistry


Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education, Chemistry, Magic...


Quantum Computing applied to Chemistry


Open Knowledge


What I can offer:

Lectures in Quantum and Computacional Chemistry

Workshops in Magic and Science

Lectures on Science Communication

Quirk Chemistry

Living interests

Mountain Bike Riding



Puzzles, riddles, magic

Rubik's Cube

Lateral thinking



Fast access to:


My blog in Catalan

Public Schedule

Projects and activities


This is Miquel Duran, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Girona. I contribute almost daily to my blog Edunomia (in Catalan) where I write about Higher Education, Social Networks, Science Communication, and other stuff. Since September 2018 I have been writing Weeknotes. Here you will find an overview of my career, interests, projects, activities, and schedule. Besides my personal blog Edunomia, I contribute strongly and often to website #magsci on our Project on Magic and Science. In 2019, because of #iypt2019, I contributed to a weekly game with the Periodic Table: #52gamespt. A whole collection of #52gamespt and many posts of #magsci are written in English.

For 2020, I am opening a new series of posts on applied artificial intelligence, and also on quantum computing. Those posts will feature games and magic tricks whose goal is to make complex concepts more understandable. They will complement our earlier efforts to explain complex concepts in science using analogies, metaphors, and magic.

I am affiliated with the Institue of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis, within research group Theoretical Chemistry, Modelling and Molecular Engineering. I am also a member of the Cathedra for Scientific Culture and Digital Communication

Research Projects

  • I am currently involved in the research project "Role of nonexonic genetic variants in Brugada Syndrome" as a co-main resercher along with Dr. Sara Pagans (UdG and IdIBGi). My main research lines are weak intermolecular interactions, effects of electric fields, electron densities, aromaticity, and in general molecular structure and reactivity. I use to collaborate with Dr. Miquel Solà and Dr. Sílvia Simon.
  • Moreover, I am the co-leader of a broad-scope science communication project (co-leader: Dr. Fernando Blasco, UPolitMadrid), "From the Magic of Science to the Science of Magic", whose main events are our annual Summer Camp on Magic and Science (#cemc) and the Meeting of Magic, Science, and Education, every 2 years (#ecme), along with online activites, website, blog, and science fairs.
Projects on Science Communication

  • Low-cost communication of research (#clowcore)
  • Simple communication of basic concepts in Quantum Chemistry
  • Magic and Science
  • Social and digital communication of science

Activities you may be interested in.
  • International Year of the Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements 2019, #iypt2019: Stage show, lecture or workshop "Mendeleiev's Secrets", #mendsec
  • Open Knowledge, Wikipedia and related projects
  • Summer Camp on Magic and Science, #cemc
  • Meeting on Science, Magic, and Education, #ecme
  • TEDx events: TEDxUdG, TEDxGironaWomen
  • Lectures and talks. Many presentations are uploaded to my SlideShare. Currently delivering:
    • The Magic and Science of the Rubik's Cube
    • Mendeleiev's Secrets (on the Periodic Table)
    • 5 reasons not to communicate research and science
    • Wikispace: Open Science and Education
    • Low Cost, Sustainable Communication of Science
    • 52 Games with the Periodic Table
  • Workshops
    • The Magic of the Periodic Table
    • Magic with Polycubes
    • WeekDayRings
    • Mathemagic of Science
    • 52 Games with the Periodic Table
  • MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses)


Visual timeline

My activity through my academic life is visualized in simple graphics, on my pre-UdG period, on my activity on service, research, teaching innovation, science communication, and other, and more specifically on science communication.

Short CV

Miquel Duran (Ph.D. UAB, postdoc UC Berkeley) is Full Professor at the University of Girona since 1992. He has being conducting research within the Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis, with more than 200 papers published in Quantum Chemistry. His computational field deals with weak molecular interactions, molecular two-electron densities, and nonlinear electric properties of molecules. He is involved actively in the clever use of IT and Web 2.0 tools within university envirnoment and Science Communication. He promoted the "LaQuimica.Net" project to bring university and high-school students closer. Currently he leads projects on digital communication and public outreach within the Cathedra for Science Culture and Digital Communication. He is the organizer of the series of events TEDxUdG, and has recently coordinated the MOOC "Scientific Research 2.0.1: key processes in a digital society", within the MiriadaX platform - now he is preparing a new MOOC on the interplay between Magic and Science. In2016, the Regional Governement of Catalonia awarded him the Medal for Scientific and Technological Merit. He has been Vicerector for Academic Personnel, Vicerector for Science Policy, Vicerector for Strategic Planning, and Comissionate of the Rector for Program UdG 2.0. Currently he is the Director of the Departament of Chemistry. The Regional Government of Catalonia awarded him the Medal for Scientic and Technologic Merit.

Informal CV

Miquel Duran (@miquelduran, http://miquelduran.net) is professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Girona and a researcher in Quantum Chemistry. Fostering Internet tools in science communication, a few years ago a short course in magic opened him an amazing world to connect Magic and Science. He promotes actively Open Knowledge, is friends with MOOCs, organizes TEDxUdG events - and rides an MTB in his leisure time. His preferred quote belongs to "Le Petit Prince": "Tu sais, quand on est tellement triste, on aime les couchers de soleil". And his own "This is me and my digital circumstances". Moreover, he has been awarded a medal for his longstanding Science activity.

Tweet CV
University professor. Research in Quantum Chemistry. Digital Science Communication, Magic and Science, MOOCs, TEDx events, Open Knowledge
Assessing Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education and Chemistry. Understanding Quantum Computation in Quantum Chemistry